About Us

Team bi0s is a community of passionate college students, who have come together for the cause of making the world a safer place by contributing to the security community while achieving excellence in security research. The team focuses on various areas including but not limited to web application security, computer forensics, binary exploitation, reverse engineering, hardware security, cryptography, and Android security. 

bi0s is largely a CTF team actively taking part in the international CTFs around the year besides carrying out research on security issues in the real world. The team operates on a principle where the senior members of the club individually mentor the junior members.

Founded in 2008 by our mentor Shri Vipin Pavithran, over the years bi0s has been renowned as one of the leading CTF teams in India, with about 30 active members. The club is run by the students themselves, with the help of research scholars, alumni, and faculty.

What we do

Team bi0s primarily participate in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions & have been consistently ranked the number one team in India since 2016 according to CTFtime. You can check out our blog here! 

The team members also engage actively in security research. Our members have found several security issues in a variety of software such as Virtualization Software, Content Management Systems, Q&A Forums, Operating Systems, etc. Check out what some of them did here!

Driven by the vision to make security education easily accessible in India, members of our team go around places such as Schools, Universities, and Industries to deliver security trainings and workshops ranging from very basic topics to cutting edge security research. We also maintain a custom-made wiki for people to get started with security!

Life at bi0s

CTFs' pump our adrenaline and late night talks and the gush when you solve a challenge with your team is something you'll get to experience only when you are a part of bi0s! Morever you'd get to go to cool conferences like NullCon and experience post-InCTF parties yearly!

CTFs are not our only source of fun though! We organize fun meetups with alumni, filled with music and games, other than football and badminton matches from time to time.

Though the online classes toned down the fun, we do organize game nights from time to time as a way to relax from the day to day work.Â