
Google Dorking: Learn to Google better!

Installing and setting up a Ubuntu dual boot: Run Windows and Ubuntu parallelly on the same laptop.

NOTE: Either dual booting your computer [OR] setting up WSL2 is sufficient. You need not do both.

Installing and setting up WSL: Set up a Linux installation within Windows.

What is Programming? What are Programming Languages?

Imagine you have a robot, and you want it to do something cool, like make you a sandwich. But the robot only understands a special kind of language – let's call it "Robot Speak." Now, you need to tell the robot step by step how to make that sandwich using Robot Speak. This process of giving instructions to the robot using Robot Speak is what programming is all about.

Now, think of programming languages as different versions of Robot Speak. Just like there are many languages spoken by people around the world like English, Spanish, or Chinese, there are many programming languages like Python, Java, or C++ that programmers use to communicate with computers.

Each programming language has its own rules and ways of writing instructions, but they all serve the same purpose – to tell the computer what to do. Some languages are simpler and easier to understand, while others are more complex and powerful, allowing you to do more complicated tasks.

So, programming is like giving instructions to a computer using a special language, and programming languages are the different ways we can talk to computers to make them do what we want, like making sandwiches or even creating video games!

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